Cookie Policy of Carmager Online Shop

This Cookie Policy governs the rules of storage and access to information on the Users’ devices through the use of Cookies in order to enable the provision of electronic services.
The Controller of the personal data collected through the Online Shop is Marcin Błahyj trading as Błahyj Marcin MOSSA, with its registered office in Toruń, ul. Barwna 53, 87-100 Toruń, Poland, NIP (Tax ID No.): 8792402272, REGON (Statistical ID No.): 340352543, and Piotr Błahyj trading as MOSSA Piotr Błahyj, with its registered office in Toruń, ul. Barwna 53, 87-100 Toruń, Poland, NIP: 8792429319, REGON: 341215630, jointly operating a private partnership trading as MOSSA PIOTR BŁAHYJ, MARCIN BŁAHYJ SPÓŁKA CYWILNA, with its registered office in Toruń, ul. Barwna 53, 87-100 Toruń, Poland, NIP: 8792554728, REGON: 340440230, email address:, hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”, at the same time being the Seller as well as the Service Provider of the Online Shop.
The Controller takes particular care to protect the interests of the data subjects, in particular to ensure that the data it collects is processed lawfully, is collected for specified legitimate purposes and is not further processed contrary to those purposes.
The terms used in this Cookie Policy have the following meanings:
  1. Customer: a natural person, a legal entity or an organisational unit that is not a legal entity, but which has been granted legal capacity under specific provisions, who places an order in the Shop;
  2. User: any person who uses the Online Shop website and to whom electronic services may be provided or with whom the Sales Contract may be entered into;
  3. Online Shop (Shop): the Internet website available at through which the Customer may, in particular, place Orders;
  4. Sales Contract: a contract for the sale of products within the meaning of the Polish Civil Code, entered into by and between Mossa Marcin Błahyj i Piotr Błahyj s.c. and the Customer through the Internet website of the Shop;
  5. Order: the Customer’s declaration of intent aiming directly at entering into the Sales Contract, specifying in particular the type and number of products;
  6. Cookies: text files sent by a server and stored on the computer of the person visiting the Online Shop website.
Cookies and Usage Data
The Online Shop does not automatically collect any data when the User visits the Shop’s website, except for the data contained in Cookies.
Cookies are small pieces of information in the form of text files that are sent by the Online Shop’s server and stored on the computer of the person visiting the Shop (e.g., on the hard drive of a computer, laptop or smartphone memory card, depending on the device used to visit our Online Shop). They contain certain information related to the use of the Online Shop by Customers. Temporary Cookies are deleted when the User closes the browser, while persistent Cookies are stored after the User leaves the website. Cookies make the use of the Online Shop faster and easier. Detailed information, the origin and history of Cookies can be found here: The Controller uses Cookies primarily to provide the User with electronic services and to improve their quality. Accordingly, the Controller and other companies providing analytical and statistical services to the Controller use Cookies to store information or access information already stored in the User’s telecommunications terminal (computer, telephone, tablet, etc.). uses the following types of Cookies:
  1. Session Cookies: these work only while the Customer is browsing the website, ensuring its correct operation, and are used by the Shop’s server to store information about the browsing activity, meaning that if the connection with the Customer’s server is lost, the Customer can return to the same place on the website.
  2. Persistent Cookies: these remain on the Customer’s device after the visit to, which means that the website can remember the Customer’s settings during subsequent visits to the website, making navigation easier and storing the Customer’s preferences (e.g., remembering the products selected and placed in the basket, favourite product items, language version, products of interest to the Customer, etc.).
  3. Third-Party Cookies: these are files that come from, e.g., advertising servers, servers of companies and service providers (e.g., search engines or maps embedded in the website) that enable the website displayed to be tailored to the preferences and habits of the Customer.
The Controller may process the data contained in Cookies for the following purposes when visitors use the Online Shop:
  1. Identifying the Recipients as logged in to the Online Shop and displaying that they are logged in;
  2. Storing the User’s location in order to customise the information provided to the User according to their location;
  3. Analysing the audience on the basis of anonymous statistics to understand how they use the Online Shop, in order to improve the structure and functionality of the Shop;
  4. Helping tailor the products offered by the Controller to the Users’ individual preferences and actual needs, including by speeding up the product search in the Shop and customising the communication and display of content;
  5. Improving the Shop by making estimates about the Shop’s usage statistics;
  6. Remembering the Products added to the basket for the purpose of placing an Order and keeping the User’s session in the Shop;
  7. Storing data from completed Order Forms, surveys or logins to the Online Shop;
  8. Customising the content of the Online Shop to the Recipient’s individual preferences (e.g., colours, font size, page layout) and optimising the use of the Shop pages;
  9. Keeping anonymous statistics to see how the Online Shop is used;
  10. If the Controller has obtained the User’s prior informed consent, the Controller may use Cookies, tags or other similar functionalities to obtain information that enables it to display ads, from the Shop, from third-party websites or otherwise, based on the analysis of the User’s browsing habits.
The Controller of the service uses Cookies for the above-listed purposes, among others, in cooperation with the following companies:
  1. to present, on the website, the multimedia content downloaded from an external website:
    • (Cookie controller: Google Inc. based in the USA: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043)
  2. to collect general and anonymous statistical data through analytical tools:
    • Google Analytics (Cookie controller: Google Inc. based in the USA: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043)
    • (Cookie controller: IAI S.A. based in Poland: Aleja Piastów 30 PL-71-064 Szczecin)
    • Microsoft Advertising (Cookie controller: Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited base in Ireland: One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 P521)
  3. to display advertising tailored to the User’s preferences using an online advertising tool:
    • Google AdSense (Cookie controller: Google Inc. based in the USA: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043)
    • (Cookie controller: Facebook Inc. based in the USA: 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025; or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin, D02 X525)
    • Microsoft Advertising (Cookie controller: Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited base in Ireland: One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 P521)
  4. to log in to the website using an account from another provider:
    • Facebook Connect (Cookie controller: Facebook Inc. based in the USA: 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025; or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin, D02 X525)
    • Google (Cookie controller: Google Inc. based in the USA: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043)
    • LinkedIn (Cookie controller: LinkedIn based in the USA: 1000 W Maude Sunnyvale, CA 94085)
  5. to use interactive features to promote the website through social networking platforms:
    • (Cookie controller: Twitter Inc. based in the USA: 1355 Market St #900, San Francisco, CA 94103) (Cookie controller: Google Inc. based in the USA: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043)
    • (Cookie controller: Facebook Inc. based in the USA: 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025; or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland: 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin, D02 X525)
    • Pinterest (Cookie controller, Pinterest Inc. based in the USA: 651 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94103)
  6. to present reviews on the website, downloaded from an external website, and to publish reviews of a purchased product and/or of the Online Shop and post them on the websites of the companies listed below, with the prior consent of the Customer (given by ticking the relevant checkbox during the ordering process):
    • Google (Cookies controller: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 USA)
    whereby such consent may be revoked by the Customer at any time by sending an email message to the following address:
Most browsers available in the market accept Cookies by default. The User can control the use of Cookies by setting their browser preferences. This means, e.g., that the User can partially (e.g., temporarily) limit or completely disable the storage of Cookies. In the latter case, however, this may affect some of the functionalities of the Online Shop (e.g., it might not be possible to follow the Order path through the Order Form because the products in the basket are not be stored during successive steps of the ordering process).
The User’s consent to the use of Cookies by our Online Shop is subject to their browser settings regarding Cookies; by law, such consent can also be given through the User’s browser settings. If the User does not wish to give such consent, they must change their browser’s Cookie settings accordingly.
In any case, the User can block the installation of Cookies or delete persistent Cookies by using the relevant options of their Internet browser. If the User encounters problems, we recommend that they consult the help section of their browser or contact the manufacturer of their browser.
Detailed information on how to change Cookie settings and how to delete Cookies in the most popular browsers is available in the help section of the User’s browser and on the following websites (click the relevant link):
The Controller also processes anonymised data relating to the use of the Online Shop (IP address, domain) in order to generate statistics helpful in the management of the Online Shop. The data is aggregated and anonymous, i.e., it does not contain any identifying characteristics of the visitors to the Online Shop. The data is not disclosed to third parties.
Final Provisions
The Online Shop may contain links to other websites. This Cookie Policy only applies to the Online Shop and to the websites linked to the domain.
For full information on personal data protection, please see our Privacy Policy.
Any questions regarding this Cookie Policy should be sent to the following address:
The Online Shop reserves the right to modify and update this Policy at any time in order to ensure that the Policy always complies with current legal requirements and refers to the current range of products and services. The relevant changes will be published in the form of a consolidated amended text of the Cookie Policy on the Shop’s website: